Jean Robertson

Jean Robertson is an Infrared Spectroscopist and Head of the IR Section of the Analytical Group at The James Hutton Institute. She has worked at the Institute in the IR Section since 2004, becoming head of the section in 2005, which encompasses both the analytical techniques of FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy and NIR (Near Infrared) spectroscopy. Her expertise in FTIR spectroscopy was first developed through her PhD, studying structures of organometallic compounds. She now applies this expertise in IR spectroscopy to the complex spectra of a wide range of naturally occurring samples. In particular, she has developed the specialist knowledge necessary for interpreting the IR spectra of soils, sediments and minerals. An FTIR spectrum provides a “chemical fingerprint” or chemical overview of a sample encompassing both organic and mineral components and is therefore particularly applicable to the combined study of soil mineralogy and organic matter, which forms the basis of much of Jean’s research work. The work on soil mineralogy also extends to providing expertise in the interpretation of IR spectra of clay mineral samples. Jean has provided spectral interpretation for international clients on projects such as developing new applications for clay minerals, exploring the geological links between clays deposited in different sites and assessing the nature and purity of clay mineral stocks.

+44 (0)1224 395328